Basic Information: What is SuperMax Garcinia Cambogia

In this review we will inform and advise any potential consumers about Garcinia Cambogia manufactured by SuperMax. This product is a dietary supplement designed to be used as a weight loss aid. It is developed to suppress one’s appetite, lower cholesterol levels, increase the metabolism in order to burn fat faster and it prevents the build up of new fat cells. Garcinia Cambogia can be purchased in various pharmacies and online stores without requiring a prescription.


This supplement is designed with one main active ingredient, which is the garcinia cambogia extract. This natural extract contains hydroxycitric acid, a compound which enhances the body’s natural fat burning ability and boosts metabolism. Another characteristic of this ingredient is that it reduces the consumer’s appetite, thus eliminating cravings.


  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • Calcium
  • Potassium


The manufacturer recommends taking two capsules on a daily basis. First dose should be taken half an hour – an hour before breakfast and second one in the evening, in order to maintain a constant effect.


The manufacturer is offering a bottle of 60 Garcinia Cambogia capsules at the price of $13.99. Discounts and special offers are unavailable. Customers cannot benefit from any price reduction when ordering several months worth of treatment. There is also no possibility of opting for an advantageous auto-renewal subscription plan.

Possible Side Effects

According to the manufacturer, there should be no side effects when taking this drug as instructed. It does not contain any artificial ingredients that could have an impact on the effectiveness of the active ingredient or that could lead to adverse reactions. The label recommends, however, seeking the advice of a health care practitioner if you are a pregnant woman or someone undergoing a prescribed treatment.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

The manufacturer is distributing this product through Amazon. They specify that on top of Amazon’s standard 30-day return policy, they add another 30 days in order to guarantee the product’s quality. Therefore, customers have a 60 day period to decide whether they are satisfied with the product and they have the option of filing for a refund.

Reviews can be found on the product’s page. The feedback includes mixed reactions as consumers are divided when it comes to the experience with this supplement. Slightly over half of the users are satisfied with the product while nearly another half complains about the drug being ineffective or causing unpleasant side effects such as constipation and stomach pain.

The Bottom Line

We can conclude that Garcinia Cambogia manufactured by SuperMax is an affordable product that contains only natural ingredients. Instructions are easy to follow and the treatment is easy to administer and the product is backed with a return policy. On the other side, a meaningful number of reviews are highly negative as customers complain about the effectiveness of the drug. The quality and safety of the product are put into question after analyzing the existing feedback.

Do you want to find an effective Garcinia Cambogia supplement? Check out our top rated Garcinia Cambogia products